I bought this jewelled bib from Sportygirl for just $15.99, reduced from $59.99. They had plenty in excellent condition when I left the Melbourne Central store last Friday.
The night was very humid and people spilled out onto the streets- every corner was crowded, every place felt stifling. My friend and I were turned away from five different restaurants because they were too packed and the wait was about an hour and half at all of them! We finally plodded over to Mess Hall on Bourke St where we found a lovely spot next to their large open windows. There were police squads and undercover police walking up and down Bourke St- it was fascinating to watch (especially since my friend is obsessed with the Australian TV show, Rush).
I wore this to a 40th birthday last night (a Decjuba wool top, David Lawrence trousers, vintage alligator skin belt, and Urban Original shoes). I copped my share of name-calling: 'Harry High Pants', 'groovy' and 'Flat Asian Bum'. Some friends tried to see if they could hide things up the trouser legs and check if I had shaved my legs. Hahaha. My outfit felt most complete when I picked sugar flowers off the chocolate birthday cake and stuck them all over my face... finishing the look with forks up my nostrils of course.
51 Bourke St Melbourne
VIC 3000
p: 9654 6800