Adapted from Nigella Feasts
In a food processor:
125g of softened unsalted butter, 85g of sugar, 125g of all-purpose flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp of baking powder, 1/2 tsp of bicarb, 2 tsps of vanilla extract- blend well. Then add 2 tbs of milk with the motor on to help bind everything. Final blitz. Makes 12 cupcakes. Into a pre-heated oven set to 200 deg Celsius and bake for 15-20 mins.

Royal Icing:
200g of icing sugar whipped with 2 egg whites for 5 mins (with a hand mixer of course) and then squeeze a lemon into it and whizz for another 2 mins. Add coloured gel (gels give you much more intense colours) if you wish to have coloured icing!

I get my 'EdAble Art glitter'(England) and other various bakeware trinkets from a cake shop in an arcade on Flinders st, Cake Deco. If you live in Melbourne, make sure you lose yourself in the store some time! Such a delicious treasure trove! The people are so very kind. Here we have Disco Peach Melba glitter.

Sprinkle a sugary bouquet on top and hey presto! Beautiful cupcakes worthy of a stall at your next local fete.

Enjoy! X
When are you moving in with me???
love the glitter!!
Mmm it was so fun & delicious making those! Great job with this batch, they look lovely.
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