It's the perfect time to snatch the day and enjoy it to the hilt! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, take lots of pictures, have loads of fun, be safe... be happy.

Spending the next few days with family interstates- hope y'all have a beautiful one filled with love too. Got a plane to catch!
and thank you for the comment!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that I continue to read this jubbly blog!
You are so brilliant!
I have lots of new years resolutions among which is to finally persuade my parentalnesses thar dying my hair is a good idea! Blue would be nice but I think red will probably be good enough as blue is
a) against the rules at my school and...
B) my parents idea of hell on earth (yes in their heads hell is blue... And made out of hair!)
anyway off goes Tom on her random tangeant again!
Merry Christmas
Tomorrow x
happy holidays and safe travels!
Merry christmas! I hope you have a great trip :) where are u planning to go to?
Love Birgit
cool header btw!
merry xmas to you too and I hope that you had a lovely christmas :)
Lovely blog :D I hope you had a safe trip!
:D cheers!
I love Bridget!
Bridget looks fabulous!
Love that pic
i hope you had a great christmas!
Thanks for the sweet comment!
I had a wonderful christmas, thank u! I hope you had a great one too.
Enjoy the next days!
X, fashionnerdic
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